There are forces within and outside of your control
Depending on so many variables of your extended family, this may seem like an easy task. You Love your Grandchildren and they know it. This may be an easy task in a fantasy world but in the 21st century, not so much. There are forces within and outside of your control. I suggest that you will do well to consider the direction given in Luke 12:34 and 35 in the New American Bible (Revised Edition); 34 For where your treasure is, there also will be your heart, be Vigilant and Faithful Servants.[a] 35 “Gird your loins and light your lamps.
If you refuse to recognize these principles, you do it at your own peril. These are real forces in the real world of today. I don’t like some of them either, but please consider them for the sake of your precious Grandkids.
Honor the parents’ wishes
If you were a perfect parent, you may be exempt from this principle. The rest of us are bound by this singularly important rule of the road. The more thoughtful you are of the parents, the better your odds of a Lasting Meaningful Connection to your Grandchild.
Get involved in their interests