Good To Great Grandparenting

About Us

Good To Great Grand Parenting

Mission Statement

You are a GOOD Grandparent, or you wouldn’t be reading this. Our Mission is to foster Greatness through Meaningful Lasting Connection with your Grandchildren by sharing stories, ideas, and resources.

Neil Taft

Great-Great Grandpa NEIL has survived almost 80 years, still in good health and with abundant loving and lovable kids, grandkids, and now a great-great-grandchild. All of this fills him with so much Gratitude that he wants to share that and his considerable experience with all his Grandparents. Neil awakes each morning brimming with energy and enthusiasm. He feels it is his job to spread that energy and enthusiasm with everyone he meets everywhere he goes.

Neil is a professional Public Speaker, tireless Youth Advocate, and published author of two books on Grandparenting and nearly 400 articles on two websites:  and 

He is also a Retired Youth Minister.

Join Our Mission of Meaningful Lasting Connections, Inspiring Stories, and Valuable Resources!

By sharing your own inspiring stories, experiences, and memories with us, you have the chance to paint a vivid picture of your life and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Together, let us seize the opportunity to inspire others.