Good To Great Grandparenting

New Grandparents

Many Grandparents are unaware at the time, but it is also a consideration as to which side of the Maternal/Paternal spectrum you occupy. This entire article is about observation.

That Familial Love

No matter the degree of difficulty, working in partnership with the parents has the greatest return on investment. It is difficult but essential and appropriate to learn, relinquish the reins, add value, and trust your own ability to create a Great outcome.

EFFECTIVENESS (Playing to their strengths)

As Grandparents, we are poised to add something to the lives of our Grandchildren that no one else can. Our position offers us a chance to change the lives of our family members throughout the entire extended family.


THE GRANDPARENT SPECTRUMS I am blessed with 9 Wonderful grandchildren and four equally wonderful, Great Grandchildren in our blended family. They range in age from 14 to 36. If you get the picture of a plethora of experiences, binary and Non-binary genders, socioeconomic, geographic, familial, and cultural backgrounds, you are getting the picture pretty clear. […]

The Quality of Conversation

The Quality of Conversation Did you ever notice that one person can enter a room and converse with multiple people? Is this a talent or a skill? Do you sometimes find yourself with your Pre-teen or teen Grandkids, and the conversation isn’t flowing as it used to? I used to get a call each Sunday […]

How Much Will You Invest in The Journey From Good to Great Grandparenting?

To derive the most from this Journey, your results will depend on your vision of who you are and how great you would like to be as a Grandparent. The potential for creating more Love and Connection with your Grands is vast and unbounded. I encourage you to take stock of your values and hopes […]

A Gift

A Gift You have been given a gift. Actually, you are a gift. You are a Grandparent. let grandparenting happen You will be a Grandparent for twice as long as you were a parent. As Grandparents, we are at our highest and best selves when we act on our gift and do all we can […]

Grandparents Are Natural Connectors

Grandparents Are Natural Connectors The intention is an essential ingredient of connection. Because you are reading that sentence, you become qualified to be the best conduit for connecting with your Grandchildren. You will only be reading this article if you are a Caring Grandparent. Making a meaningful connection with another human being requires vulnerability on […]

Grand Heroes

Grand Heroes Grandparents Raising Children is On A Spectrum Intentional Grandparenting I count my blessings each day that I get to interact with my Grandchildren freely. This just didn’t happen on its own. I am very intentional about extended family dynamics and do all I can to create a family culture of inclusion. This article […]