Good To Great Grandparenting

THE UNIMAGINABLE-Grandchild Abuse and/or Neglect.

THE UNIMAGINABLE-Grandchild Abuse and/or Neglect (This includes Bullying) I would rather have not been tasked with writing this chapter but it is definitely way too important to skip. The #1 concern of Grandparents, hands down, is the Safety and Health of their Grandchildren. That coupled with the unique position of Grandparents in the family structure […]

Meeting Them Where They Are

As Grandparents we have to wear many hats to meet our Grandkids where they are. Depending on the age and number of Grandkids you may be called upon to get down on the floor or play dress up, hike a trail, go to a museum, and attend a concert (with earplugs maybe) all in one […]

A New Day, A New Feeling

A New Day, A New Feeling “There are no words to describe the happiness in holding your baby’s baby.” – Unknown The arrival of that first Grandchild! I still remember it almost 40 years later; it is awesome with an extra dose of AWE! I still remember experiencing an entirely new kind of Love and […]

The Power We Weild As Grandparents

The Loving support for a child is magnified when it comes from Grandma and/or Grandpa. Most kids can count on their parents loving them and lots of them know their Grandparents love them as well. The magic is when they are made to feel special by your showing up at things like plays and sporting […]

NEW GRANDPARENTS (This changes everything) Part one: How we react.

NEW GRANDPARENTS (This Changes Everything.) Part 1: How We React. Like a spectacular Sunrise, becoming a New Grandparent is the beginning of a new day, a new chapter in your life, and an entirely new role in your family. I clearly remember that my experience was that of a brand-new kind of Love all wrapped […]

Neil Taft and Good To Great Grandparenting

        Neil Taft & Good To Great Grandparenting Neil Taft Published Author Great-Great Grandpa NEIL has survived almost 80 years, still in good health and with abundant loving and lovable children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and now a great-great-grandchild. All of this fills him with so much Gratitude that he wants to share that […]

A Sad Statistic

A Sad Statistic 2.7 Million Grandparents One sad statistic is that about one-third of the 2.7 million Grandparent households that are raising their Grandkids are below the poverty line, which is less than $25,000.00 annually for a family of three. These statistics touch all racial and ethnic lines. Just like the drug addiction issue, this […]

Staying Connected To Your Grandchildren

Staying Connected To Your Grandchildren There are forces within and outside of your control Photo by Eduardo Braga | Depending on so many variables of your extended family, this may seem like an easy task. You Love your Grandchildren and they know it. This may be an easy task in a fantasy world but […]

Alienated Grandparents

(By mistake and on purpose) Alienated Grandparents There’s nothing written in the Bible, Old or New Testament, that says, ‘If you believe in Me, you ain’t going to have no troubles. Ray Charles Alienation from your Grandchildren is an extreme but very possible outcome of The Elephant(s) in the Room scenario. There are many ways […]


The Elephant(s) In The Room Success is due to our stretching to the challenges of life. Failure comes when we shrink from them. John C. Maxwell In way too many families there is a branch of the family that is not functioning as hoped. By the nature of the beast, it is not a subject […]